What our members say:
"This group is there to welcome people who are seeking sanctuary because of their sexual orientation. I am one of them.
The Journey Asylum Group is my family and my home.
I have peace and I'm safe since I became a part of the Journey family.
They make me feel confidence and positive thinking.
Journey Asylum Group makes me feel happiness and strong, and is my family."
- Appiah, from Ghana (pictured)
“This is more than a family. Family is not always blood. It is the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The love and support you all showed me means so much to me and I am so grateful to have you in my life."
"It has been a very long walking journey for me. How would I have succeeded to be granted leave to remain in the UK without your humble support and encouragement?"
"The volunteers give us moral and emotional support and I give my thanks to them. They gave me many contact numbers where I could get help."
“Its lovely and proud to be a part of this family."

Roman, from Russia

Appiah, from Ghana
"The amazing Journey volunteers are doing an unimaginably important job for vulnerable people like myself, who are new in the UK without family or friends, often with weak English and with no money, but with relief that we are finally in a safe country where we can express ourselves in the best way that we can. Our meetings were very useful, because we learned about the asylum process, our rights, sexual health, services which we may use, other charity organisations which may support us, and sport and creative activities. The Journey group definitely helps me to build my confidence and be loud and proud as a gay person."
- Roman, from Russia (pictured)
“I feel good, happy, protected. I feel it's my family."
“When I come here I feel better - it seems to be my new family.”
"I love the freedom, friendliness and maturity of the group."
“The group allows me to be free to be myself.”
"Journey means one big happy family to me."
About the Bike Project:

"Just got my bike, thanks to the Bike Project. It came as a surprise to cheer me up when I was feeling down."
"I thought I was dreaming, but I just woke up to my reality with the gift of life, as you can see in this picture (of a bike).”
"Yes I really enjoyed the cycling. I can’t believe I can ride a bicycle.”
“It's been my dream to ride a bike.”
"Your bicycle was awesome. Only one of my closest friends would have known me well enough to get something like it for me.”
“It felt like freedom.”
About our Buddy scheme:
“Through my Buddy I was able to register into the Birmingham Adult Education service of which I am in the second level now. I’m grateful for all his time and support and I am proud to say I am now a certified Buddy who is ready to continue the act of kindness and to be that friendly voice on the phone. I can go on and on, but to cut the long story short, Journey Asylum Group is a home from home for me, and I’m so happy to be part of this family.”
“Since April when I started as a Buddy , it helped me rebuild the confidence I lost due to depression, and it was an opportunity to interact with people in a similar situation, and we kind of learned from each other.”
“I really appreciate the support and care, for believing in me. You guys gave me the confidence to push on. The fear of letting you guys down kept me on my toes.”
“Before come to family I was really feel alone and scared because everything was new for me and I didn’t know anyone, but when I contacted the family and I had a Buddy, I feel like trust myself more, and feel that there’s someone now care about me, and support me and share his stories with me, that makes me believe myself.”
“I always felt more relax and calm after speaking to my Buddy. The support and encouragement from her makes me feel like I am home.”
Michael's story:
As part of the #BeProudBeYourself campaign, for Pride season 2023, Rainbow Migration came together with Micro Rainbow and Refugee Action to highlight the voices of LGBTQI+ people who have refugee status or are seeking protection in the UK.
One of our members, Michael, spoke about his experiences, and the support that Journey gave him after he arrived in Birmingham.
"It was quite awesome, because they also understand, for asylum seekers, the need to have these evidences."