Why do LGBT+ people claim asylum in the UK?
LGBT+ people can face discrimination, persecution and violence, sometimes on a daily basis. In several countries same-sex relationships are criminalised, and sometimes punishable by death. 32 out of 56 Commonwealth member states criminalise same-sex relationships and seven of these have life imprisonment.
Many people have no choice but to seek refuge elsewhere, but even in countries of asylum they can face stigma and abuse.

The experiences of Journey LGBT+ asylum seekers:
A considerable number of Journey members have experienced high levels of trauma in their home countries (and/or in their journey to the UK) as a result of their sexuality. This includes torture, rape, sexual abuse, extortion and other forms of exploitation.
Isolation and poor mental health
The majority of Journey members have been disowned by their families. Sometimes the treatment by family members was the key reason for fleeing to safety. Many are also not connected to diaspora communities in the UK, given their experiences in their home countries. Individuals are therefore often not well connected to sources of emotional support and wellbeing from family members and diaspora communities.
In addition, many members have had to hide their sexuality in their home countries and have survived by not trusting many people, so making connections with other LGBT people is not always easy.
Unaware of being able to claim asylum on grounds of sexuality
Some members have lived under the radar for several years in the UK as they were unaware they could claim asylum on the grounds of their sexuality. Some have had trafficking claims progressed and only at a later stage, when they trusted their solicitor or support worker, have raised issues about their sexuality and become aware that this could also be grounds for their asylum claim.
Proving who you are
Many members face significant challenges in providing evidence of their sexuality. For many, it is not something they have openly talked about in their home countries, and it is challenging when expected to speak about this to strangers as part of the asylum process. This is often compounded by stereotypes of how LGBT+ people behave, which can mean those who don't fit those preconceived perceptions are then not believed.
Given the experience of many LGBT+ asylum seekers in their home countries, with many having a strong survival instinct of distrust of any organisations, it is not surprising that when we are encouraging individuals to go to more specialist advice services, there is sometimes wariness about approaching other organisations and revealing their sexuality. This sometimes means they don’t get the full support they could receive.
Resilience and courage
Despite all the difficulties and challenges Journey members face, we recognise the resilience and courage it takes for members to be themselves, and to support each other through the asylum process.
Comments from Journey members on their experiences of the asylum process:
“I have been waiting for my second interview for 1 year 8 months. It has been a very terrible experience for me as I always have this feeling of uncertainty. I cannot work, I have to depend on the generosity of friends for the basic needs of life like shelter, food and clothing. Again it has made me not to be in a good place psychologically.”
“The asylum process was and still so hard. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, even tempted to take my life. We are humans and everyone should be treated with respect.”
“Some of us are still waiting more than 10 years. It's very stressful and depressing, and we can’t move forward.”
“The asylum process in the UK is hard. It has a lot of negative impact on my mental health. At this level or point in my life, am frustrated and feel life isn’t worth living.”
“At the end of the day, we are all human, some of us with lots to offer the UK. Make it easier and fairer for us.”
“No human is illegal.”
Etah's story:
"This is my experience as an LGBT asylum seeker in the UK.
Many aspects of the UK asylum process can be confusing and traumatic for a lesbian asylum seeker.
The impact of the process on my experience as a lesbian woman is quite difficult to express.
Talking about my sexuality (private and intimate details) in public is particularly troubling.
Based on my background, I had not previously discussed about my sexuality with strangers or declaring my lesbian identity during legal interviews which is very stressful.
Imagine being questioned during interviews about your sexual desires and relationships.
Imagine being asked how you dress as a lesbian woman. Imagine being asked what your religion says about your sexual orientation.
Going for an interview and being asked to provide evidence from your previous relationship, pictures and letters, knowing you fled to the UK for safety and leaving everything behind.
Fleeing my home country not out of choice but out of necessity, but being believed is a top concern.
Going for an interview and being asked more than 300 questions, the pressure during the interview can increase nervousness and even cause you to forget your name.
It is very okay to suffer from depression and anxiety during this process.
I think evidence gathering should be an equal responsibility with decision makers and immigration officials.
I fled my country to be protected from homophobia, persecution and discrimination.
The asylum process has drained me mentally.
I no longer fear homophobic people but the Home Office."
Etah, from Cameroon