A large group of Journey members, many wearing Journey tshirts and waving Pride flags, gathered together and smiling
Join us as a volunteer:

Our volunteers are essentially a friendly face or voice to support LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees through the process of claiming asylum and settling in the UK. We are always looking for new volunteers to join us, particularly people who reflect the asylum and refugee communities we work with.

Volunteers should be:
  • A member or ally of the LGBT+ community

  • Empathetic and non-judgemental

  • Committed to working in a team

  • Able to adhere to the group’s code of conduct and policies on data protection, equality and safeguarding

Volunteers can support our members through:
  • Offering 1-2-1 support and befriending

  • Training and mentoring our Buddies (members who offer peer support to other members)

  • Organising group meetings and activities

  • Making links with other organisations, to raise awareness of our members' needs

All our volunteers have a designated contact for support and advice. We also offer training and shadowing, to boost confidence and build skills.
We do not expect volunteers to be legal experts, experts in understanding the asylum process or to be trained counsellors – there are other organisations that provide that expertise.

Interested? Then email us with some information about you, and why you'd like to volunteer with us.

Work with us:

We work with a wide range of organisations to signpost and refer Journey members for legal and asylum advice, mental wellbeing services, counselling or therapy, and to provide opportunities to take part in sports, arts and other social activities.

Working with us can involve:

  • Service providers attending Journey meetings to share information with our members on the support services offered. Recently this has included the Refugee and Migrant Centre, Brushstrokes and Right to Remain sharing information on the asylum process, MIND providing practical tips on wellbeing, and Birmingham LGBT Centre talking about healthy relationships and the support groups available.
  • Running an activity workshop at one of our monthly meetings. For example, Birmingham Opera Company delivered a singing workshop, and Ash Mukherjee ran a 'wellbeing through crafting' workshop.
  • Developing specific projects involving Journey members, for example the Pride Face project run by Sampad. Journey members attended a series of workshops leading up to a performance at the Midlands Arts Centre.
  • Formal partnerships, for example with the Bike Project, which enables Journey members to access free bicycles, or with FABRIC, which offers Journey members free places at dance classes.
  • Practical support, for example the Creative Learning Hub at Birmingham REP are currently providing the venue for our in-person group meetings.

If you are an organisation in the West Midlands and want to explore how you could support LGBT+ asylum seekers through your work, or are interested in exploring opportunities for joint working, please email us.

Make a donation:

We are currently funded through the Birmingham Pride Community Trust FundHeart of England Community Foundation, Fierce Festival, Kings Heath Action for Refugees, Loving Men and City of Sanctuary. We also gratefully accept private donations.

We are organised entirely by volunteers, so all donations go directly to our work with LGBT+ asylum seekers.
Our funds cover bus fares to attend meetings or trips out, refreshments, phone expenses for Buddies, and co-running projects with other organisations.

Some suggested donations...
would cover the food and travel costs for one member for one meeting.
would cover the training costs for one of our 'Buddies'. These are established members, given training in safeguarding and mentoring so they can develop their own skills and support other members.
would cover the food costs for all attendees at one of our monthly meetings.

Donations like these, no matter how small, can make a huge difference to our work. 
Setting up a regular standing order can make an even bigger difference. 
Click here to download a Standing Order form. 

If you have any questions about how to donate, please email us and we'll be happy to help.
